Benefits of Containerization for DevOps team

Hardik Shah
5 min readJul 20, 2022


Containers are one of the hottest topics in DevOps, and for good reason. They can help you reduce costs, save time, and improve agility. Containers have become a mainstream technology that enables organizations to easily move their applications into production environments with minimal changes required. So let’s take a closer look at how containers can make your DevOps team more efficient!

Reduce the resource consumption

As a DevOps team, you may be familiar with the concept of “cloud native” applications. This is a term that refers to applications that have been built with the cloud in mind from the ground up, using modern technologies and using best practices that allow it to scale horizontally across multiple servers or instances.

Containerization is one of these key technologies — it allows developers to package their application code into an executable format (the container), which can then be run on any Linux machine as if they were all running on an always-on server. This means you can run your application on any machine without having to adjust for hardware differences or worry about whether or not it’ll work properly once deployed onto production servers; because containers are lightweight and use less resources than traditional server environments, they’re perfect for scaling horizontally across multiple machines and processing tasks simultaneously.

Better deployment speed

  • Deployment speed: Containers can be deployed in seconds, making for a faster development process. They are lightweight compared to virtual machines and can be easily moved to different environments.
  • Transparent nature: While virtual machines have hidden layers, containers are completely transparent, which makes them easier to manage and troubleshoot. This also speeds up the debugging process by allowing developers to debug containerized applications locally rather than remotely.
  • Portability: Virtual machines are tied down with inflexible formats that make it difficult for teams to share code across different software stacks or platforms (e.g., Linux vs Windows). In contrast, containers use hardware abstractions that allow developers the freedom of choice when it comes to selecting their development environment and cloud infrastructure because they run on top of the host operating system’s kernel only instead of having an entire operating system installed inside them like VMs do — making them portable across multiple infrastructure providers such as AWS EC2 instances or Azure VMs without any additional configuration needed from end users using these platforms since all they need is access rights granted by administrators who control those resources/infrastructure providers (such as Amazon Web Services account owners), which means that there won’t be any compatibility issues between two different technologies being used simultaneously within single organization.

Increased portability and consistency

Making sure your applications are portable and consistent is important for any DevOps team. Containers are both of these things, which makes it easy to manage your application’s resources.

Containers have made a huge impact in the industry because they offer increased portability and consistency with their lightweight images that run on nearly any type of infrastructure. By using containers, you can easily migrate your applications between different environments (e.g., development, testing, production).

Also, since they use standard APIs across platforms like Linux or Windows Server Hyper-V containers to implement this portability feature; so even if you’re running different platforms within a single environment — such as Linux containers deployed on top of KVM or VMware ESXi hosts — then all systems will still receive updates from one central location without needing any special configuration changes first!

Seamless integration with DevOps tools

As you can see, containerization is a natural fit with DevOps tools. Application containers are ideal for automating the deployment of applications, especially when they’re paired with automated monitoring. And infrastructure containers make it easy to automate the provisioning and configuration of servers and networks.

The security aspects of containerization are also extremely promising: in addition to providing an additional layer of defense against external threats, they also allow you to keep tight control over access to your infrastructure by restricting what users can do within their respective environments — and this is particularly important if you have sensitive data stored on those machines!

On-demand scaling

Once you have a containerized application, it’s easy to add or remove instances of that application with the addition of more containers. This is referred to as horizontal scaling.


  • A web server can be scaled horizontally by adding more instances of the web server container.
  • A database can be scaled horizontally by adding more instances of the database container.

The benefits here are twofold: you’ll save money because you’re not paying for an entire machine that sits idle most of the time, and you’ll also get better performance because there are fewer resources being used at any given time to serve requests (e.g., if you have only one instance running on a machine, it may take longer than necessary for responses to come back).

Containers can help you reduce costs, save time, and improve agility.

  • Containers can help you reduce costs:

Containerization is a relatively new technology, but it has already proven to be an effective way of reducing costs. If your company uses containers, then you will most likely have fewer servers than if you were not using containers. Less hardware means fewer people needed to maintain and manage the hardware, which also means lower labor costs.

  • Containers can save time:

Using containers in DevOps processes requires less time than previous methods because there is no need for docker images or virtual machines (VMs). Using containers instead of VMs reduces the amount of time needed for each deployment cycle by eliminating many steps from the process. By decreasing the number of steps required with each deployment cycle, companies are able to deploy more frequently and increase their agility — which saves them money over time as well!

  • Containers improve agility:

Agility is important when it comes to software development because it allows software teams to easily adapt their products based on feedback from users without having to wait until they release another version before making any changes — this helps keep users happy while still allowing developers enough time between releases so that they can focus on other projects.”


There are many benefits that come with containerization for DevOps teams. These include increased productivity and efficiency, as well as improved resource utilization and more efficient deployment processes. When used correctly, containers can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations’ software development processes by making them easier to manage, test, deploy and update.



Hardik Shah
Hardik Shah

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