Effective Microservice Practices to follow in 2022
Microservices is a software architecture style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. These services can be built, deployed and run in isolation from each other.
Microservices are more flexible and resilient than traditional applications, which tend to be monolithic in nature and composed of one big codebase with everything bundled together. Microservices are often written in different languages, use different databases and rely on technologies like REST or RPC for communication between them.
A microservice-based application will typically have many dozens (or even hundreds) of services operating together to complete its workflows or business processes — so much so that it may resemble a single organism with many parts contributing towards the whole rather than just one “app.”
Improve productivity with Domain-Driven Design
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is the design of applications around their business domain. It’s a holistic approach to software architecture that encourages you to think about the entire system in terms of its business domain, rather than just the code behind it.
While there are many ways to use DDD, one of its main benefits is improved productivity through greater reuse and higher quality code.
Have quicker responses with SRP
The single responsibility principle (SRP) is a concept in object-oriented programming that states that every class should have one and only one reason to change. It means that each class must encapsulate all the information necessary to do its job, and nothing more.
If you have a simple problem, this may seem unnecessary or even counterproductive. But as your application grows, SRP can help keep things manageable.
One way to apply SRP is by creating an interface for every component of your service (or microservice). This approach has several benefits: it makes it easy for other teams to work with you; it allows you to change how different components talk with each other without affecting existing code; and it helps prevent imbalances between components that share common functionality but use different APIs or protocols when doing so
Enable service autonomy with independent microservices
Microservices are small, independent services. They’re loosely coupled and independently deployable, scalable, manageable and tested. They’re also independently developed and deployed.
This means that each microservice has its own repository (which contains the code for all of its dependencies), its own configuration file(s) (*.yml or *.json), running instance(s) which are independent from other microservices in the system (they can be run on different servers), and logging infrastructure that’s specific to each microservice instance.
Embrace parallelism with asynchronous communications
Asynchronous communication is when a message is sent to another service, and the service that sends the message doesn’t need to wait for an acknowledgment or response. This means that the sending service can continue doing other work while it waits for a response.
Examples of asynchronous communications include:
- Sending email messages (e.g., through e-mail servers)
- Sending SMS messages (e.g., via SMS gateways)
- Submitting data to an HTTP endpoint, such as a website form submission, which can then be processed by another application in its own time (not necessarily immediately)
Don’t create data silos
To avoid creating data silos, you should make sure that you have a centralized data store. This can be done by creating a shared database or by putting all of your data into a cloud service like AWS. If you use a central database, make sure it’s easy to access the database and that all microservices can interact with it. You should also ensure that every microservice has the ability to add new tables without having any additional dependencies (other than what’s necessary for security).
Microservices are here to stay, but they aren’t without their challenges.
There are plenty of benefits to microservices, but not all applications can benefit from them. If you’re building an application that is one small component of a larger service, then it’s worth considering splitting off into its own individual microservice. However, if your application has a lot of logic and functionality to it, then splitting it up into multiple microservices may be overkill. Additionally, there are also some challenges with implementing this architecture:
- Microservices often require more infrastructure than monolithic applications because they rely on distributed systems technologies such as load balancing and fault tolerance methods like circuit breakers or retry loops. These can add complexity if you’re not familiar with them before starting development — and even more so during production when issues arise and need fixing quickly.