The Ultimate AWS Cost Optimization Checklist: How to Reduce Your AWS Bill

Hardik Shah
6 min readJan 16, 2023


This entails keeping a careful check on your costs when it comes to cloud infrastructure and looking for ways to improve them. AWS is a strong platform with many services and alternatives to choose from, but strength also brings complexity.

AWS cost optimization is crucial for businesses to save money and run effectively. When attempting to optimize expenses in AWS, four important areas should be prioritized: matching resources to demand, comprehending and managing costs, increasing efficiency, and reducing compute costs.

Cost optimization aims to not only save expenses but also to make sure that technology expenditures are worthwhile and aiding in the expansion of the business. In this blog, we’ll be diving into the four pillars of cost optimization in AWS, and providing actionable guidance on how to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

The Four Pillars of Cost Optimization in AWS:

  • Right Sizing
  • Cost Allocation and Visibility
  • Automation
  • Reservations and Spot Instances

1. Right Sizing: How to Match Resources to Demand

Right sizing is a key aspect of cost optimization in AWS, as it involves matching resources to demand so that you are not paying for resources that are not being used.

The first step in right sizing is identifying and measuring resource utilization, which involves collecting data on how your resources are being used, such as CPU and memory usage, network traffic, and storage capacity. This data can be collected using AWS CloudWatch and other monitoring tools, and can be used to identify underutilized resources and opportunities for cost savings.

Once resource utilization has been identified, the next step is to choose the right instance types and sizes to meet your specific needs. AWS offers a wide range of instance types and sizes, each with different performance characteristics and costs. By choosing the right instance types and sizes, you can ensure that you are getting the best performance for your budget, and that you are not paying for resources that you do not need.

Auto Scaling and Elasticity are also key aspects of right sizing, as they allow you to automatically adjust the number of instances based on demand, which can help to reduce costs by ensuring that you are only paying for the resources that you need.

Auto Scaling and Elasticity can be implemented using AWS Auto Scaling and other tools, and can be configured to automatically scale instances up and down based on predefined thresholds, such as CPU usage or network traffic. This can help to ensure that resources are always matched to demand, which can help to reduce costs and improve performance.

2. Cost Allocation and Visibility: Understanding and Managing Your AWS Costs

Cost Allocation and Visibility is a critical aspect of cost optimization in AWS, as it involves understanding and managing your AWS costs so that you can identify opportunities for cost savings.

One of the key tools for cost allocation and visibility is cost and usage reports, which provide detailed information on your AWS costs, such as the total cost of each service, the number of instances used, and the average hourly cost. These reports can be accessed through the AWS Cost Management console, and can be used to track costs over time and identify areas where costs can be reduced.

Another important aspect of cost allocation and visibility is tagging and resource grouping. AWS allows you to tag resources with custom metadata, such as cost center, environment, or application name. This allows you to group resources by different attributes and understand where the cost is coming from.

With this information, you can easily identify and track costs associated with specific projects, applications, or teams and make informed decisions about where to allocate resources and where to cut costs.

In addition, budgets and alerts can be set up to monitor and control your costs. AWS Cost Management allows you to set budgets and alerts, which notify you when your costs reach a certain threshold. This allows you to keep your costs under control and take action before they get out of hand. With the ability to set budgets and alerts, you can ensure that you are aware of your costs and take action before they get out of hand.

3. Automation: How to Improve Efficiency and Reduce Costs

Automation is a key aspect of cost optimization in AWS, as it can help to improve efficiency and reduce costs by automating repetitive tasks and reducing human errors. One of the most important automation tools in AWS is Infrastructure as Code (IAC).

IAC allows you to define your infrastructure in a machine-readable format, such as JSON or YAML, which can then be version-controlled and managed like any other code. This allows you to automate the provisioning, scaling and management of your infrastructure, reducing the time and effort required to make changes and ensuring that your infrastructure is always in the desired state.

Another important aspect of automation is automated provisioning and scaling. AWS provides tools such as AWS Auto Scaling and Elastic Beanstalk, which allow you to automatically provision and scale resources based on pre-defined thresholds, such as CPU usage or network traffic. This can help to ensure that resources are always matched to demand, which can help to reduce costs and improve performance.

Finally, automated cost optimization is another important aspect of automation in AWS. This can be achieved using services such as AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Trusted Advisor and AWS Compute Optimizer which can help you identify opportunities for cost savings, such as underutilized resources, and can provide recommendations for how to optimize your costs. By using these services, you can automate the process of identifying and implementing cost savings, which can help to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Reservations and Spot Instances: How to Save on Compute Costs

Reservations and Spot Instances are cost optimization strategies in AWS that can help to save on compute costs. EC2 reserved instances allow you to reserve capacity for a specific instance type for a period of time, in exchange for a discounted hourly rate.

Spot Instances, on the other hand, are spare instances that are available at a lower cost than on-demand instances, but can be terminated when the spot price exceeds the bid price. Spot instances can be used along with Spot Fleets, which allow you to provision multiple types of instances and automatically choose the cheapest available option.

Lastly, Savings Plans, a flexible pricing model that offers savings of up to 72% on compute usage, regardless of the instance family, size, or Operating System. By using these options, you can save on compute costs and optimize your AWS investment.

Conclusion: The Importance of Cost Optimization in AWS

In conclusion, cost optimization is a critical aspect of managing a cloud infrastructure in AWS. By understanding the different services and pricing options, implementing cost optimization strategies such as Right Sizing, Cost Allocation and Visibility, Automation and Reservations and Spot Instances, and monitoring and tracking usage and costs, organizations can effectively control costs, improve performance, and make the most of their AWS investment.

Cost optimization is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and adjustments to ensure that resources are used effectively and costs are kept under control. With the right approach and tools, organizations can optimize their costs in AWS, increase efficiency and reduce expenses, ultimately helping them to achieve their business goals.

